Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Spanish CUTS and TAX HIKES - Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: Reports that the Conservative Government in Spain has risen VAT from 18% to 21 and local authorities will see a cut of 3.5 billion euros in their budgets.

Lets Get Real:

This is part of the cost of Spain getting a bailout folks, the EU does not want to see Spain calling for a Sovereign Bailout, there are doubts that EU could afford to bailout Spain and Italy. At the end of the day left wing Governments spend and it takes a Conservative Governments as in the UK to clean up the mess, in the 1930s the Labour Party in the UK ran away from Government, it would not make cuts, thus the National Government of the 1930s. The left never wants to make cuts, it always wants to spend and raise taxes, a case in point is President Obama, who wants a major tax hike on the rich, even knowing this is a mistake, as the President stated early in his term, if you tax the rich at 100% why would they bother taking risks, its from these risks that jobs are created, as Obama has never created a job in his life one can see why he does not understand the US business sector. The left at the end of the day is bankrupt folks, it is more interested in ideological purity before reality, that is why there will always be Conservatives, they have to clean up the mess of the left.

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