Monday, July 09, 2012

The Money Stakes - Presidential Race 2012

The New York Times: Reports that the Romney Campaign and the Republican National Committee far out raised POTUS and the Democrats in June, the article notes that the Republicans raised 106.1 million while the Democrats pocketed 71 million.

Lets Get Real:

While the Romney Campaign has been getting the money in the Obama Camp has been getting good poll numbers, the Republicans have to get one FACT, the elite media will do what it takes to get Obama re-elected. Thus the Republicans are not just fighting the Democrats and their Super Pacs they also fighting the elite media, they will not run a negative story on Obama, it is that simple and brutal folks. The Romney Campaign can not afford to allow the Obama Camp to define Romney as a out of touch rich guy, if the polls are right, and this blog has doubts then the rich guy out of touch tag line is working. The Romney Camp needs a attack dog as a VP, someone who will really go after President Obama, someone that the elite media hate, that will go down well with Republicans. The VP has to define Obama as a tax and spend liberal in the mode of former Carter VP Walter Mondale. If the Republicans have the money its time to spend, define Obama before he defines Romney.

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