Saturday, June 23, 2012

What Next ? Syrian Shoot Down

Guardian: Reports the following on the Syrian shoot down of a Turkish military plane, " Turkish media had reported earlier that Syria had apologised for the incident, but ( PM of Turkey ) Erdogan made no mention of an apology. ".

Lets Get Real:

The left wing elite media are in a bind when it comes to Syria, after Iraq War they want any military action to be approved by the UN, but the Russians have made it clear that they are supporting the Assad Regime in Syria, the Russians want to keep their warm water port, there are conflicting reports that the Russians are sending naval vessels to Syria, on board are Russian marines, one line of thought is they are being sent to protect Russians in Syria, the other line is that they are being sent to get the Russians out of Syria should a full scale civil war develop. It will be interesting to see how the BBC, Guardian, NYT run with this story over the next few days. What matters, prevent the deaths in Syria or keeping the UN going at all costs, lets see how they jump folks.

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