Tuesday, June 05, 2012


Telegraph Live - Spain: Reports in its 9am post that Spain is asking for EU help to rebuild its banking system, the post states the following, “ This call for Spanish banks to be recapitalised through European mechanisms is a departure from the previous government line that Spain could raise the money on its own.

Lets Get Real:

As noted in my recent post the EU elite want to combine the debt of the PIIGS and the banks in one pool and for this to be unwritten by the Germans. In other words Germany would achieve what it failed to get in two world wars, it would control Europe. Lets see if this flies, if the EU is willing for the EU to become a Super German State, with Berlin calling the economic shots for the rest of the Euro Nations. Also even if the Coalition German Government wanted to sign up for this plan it would find it hard to get through the German Parliament, also more important it could be taken to the German High Court, its against German law for a German Government to underwrite the debt of others. Tricky folks.

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