Saturday, June 30, 2012

Romney vs. Obama - The Weekend Polls

The blog is back folks, that should annoy liberals. The shock of the decision by the US Supreme Court over ObamaCare sent this blog in to shock! But then if you think about it folks the Chief Justice could have given a poison pill to ObamaCare TAX, in essence the Chief Justice was stating that it was up to the VOTERS to make the decision, thus if you want ObamaCare Tax to end you have to vote for the Republicans. Thus lets see the our usual polls folks.

Rasmussen Reports ( LV ): Reports in today's daily tracking poll that President Obama leading Governor Romney by 46% to 44%. A 2% lead.

Gallup ( RV ): Reports in today's daily tracking poll that President Obama is leading Governor Romney by 48% to 43%. A 5% lead.

Lets Get Real:

What the subjective merits of the decision by the US Supreme Court when it came to ObamaCare Tax it has to be said on the objective level that it has been a good week for the Oval. The run up to the decision was the expectation that the Court would throw out the Individual Mandate but keep the rest of the law, well as it turned out for the Oval it got the whole law with the exception of forcing the States to expand their welfare programme to deal with the poor. The States would have suffered losing federal money if they did not follow through with the plan, the Supremes threw that part of ObamaCare TAX out. It is and will be seen as a political victory for President Obama, thus the bounce in the polls, but folks its early, lets see the negative adverts that recall POTUS stating that ObamaCare was not a TAX and then his lawyers stating it was a tax, in other words someone lied, did Obama to the US voter or the his lawyers to the US Supreme Court.

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