Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Israeli Strike on Iran - WHEN not IF

Guardian: Reports on the failure in Moscow of the talks between the UN and Iran, the article notes the following, " The failure to make progress in the talks in Moscow makes Israeli military action more likely, but far from inevitable. "

Lets Get Real:

As stated so many times in this blog the Tehran Regime is playing games, it wants endless talks, not for real talks but just to play out the clock. The Israeli Government will have to act before the November election in the US, as any action before then will force the Oval to support a Israeli strike. The Oval can not afford to lose the Israeli Lobby or their money. The EU will never walk away, these talks have been going on for years, its a middle east game, the Tehran Regime understands that the EU will bend over backwards as to prevent Israel taking action, these talks are pointless, the Israel Defence Staff have to get their plans ready, best time to hit Tehran would be late October, thus the Republicans will support Israel, and President Obama will come under pressure from Congressional Democrats to support any military action. These talks have not been on the 24/7 news channels, this is good for Israel, they can attack while the world is divert by the EU crisis and Syria.

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