Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The End of Hosni Mubarak ?

BBC News: Reports on the widespread media rumours that the former President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak is close to death or has died.

Lets Get Real:

It is in the interest of Egypt for the Military to control the foreign policy of Egypt, they should have the final say over any military action, not a newly elected Muslim Brotherhood President. One thing about President Mubarak he kept the peace deal with Israel, a Muslim Brotherhood President who also controls the Parliament would be a major threat to to modern Egypt and to Israel. Lets be clear the Mubarak Regime got what it deserved, it did not reform itself when it had the chance, but one should also say that Egypt under Mubarak was an ally of the US, a future Egypt might be a threat to the West. Thus this blog will lift its hat to President Mubarak, this blog does not like to see a close Western ally thrown to the dogs, because dogs might be very vicious, the Oval just might regret throwing Mubarak under the bus.

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