Monday, June 25, 2012

Bad Day on the Markets - Eurozone Crisis

Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports that US and EU Stock Markets fell today, as Spain officially asked for a a bailout and the EU Summit on Greece this week will start without the the new Greek PM Antonis Samaras and the new Greek Finance Minister Vassilis Rapanos who fell ill and has resigned.

Lets Get Real:

This is train wreak is heading in one direction folks, that is a major crash, the EU can only work with one government and one tax system, anything else is just changing the deck chairs on the Titanic, the Germans want to control the Budgets of the EU if they are going to fund this mess, the rest of the EU has small thing called democracy, the voters in these countries are not going to give up democracy as to please Berlin. The US is to much in debt to help, thus do not expect much help from the Obama Oval. The new Italian PM said the the EU had a week to save the Euro, well that week as gone, not master plan yet folks. The EU leaders have to get over the fact that the Euro was a bad idea, or they face taking the EU down with the Euro. Nothing last forever folks, NOTHING.

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