Monday, June 25, 2012

Carter vs. Obama

Guardian: Reports that the 39th President of the United States, Jimmy Carter has been critical of the drone strikes of the Obama Administration, the article notes the following by Carter, " Drone strikes and targeted assassinations abroad have seen the US violating human rights,, "

Lets Get Real:

This is the best attack President Obama has had in ages, when Jimmy Carter is critical of you then you must be doing the right thing, the Obama Camp should put the words of Carter in an advert, this will show that the Oval is a hawk when it comes to foreign policy, no wonder the successors to Carter cant stand him, the worse American President in US history is an example not to follow, the Oval should increase these drone strikes, it might get lucky and Carter will heckle Obama at the Democratic Convention, that would be worth a few hundred thousand votes. On this a good day for the Oval,.

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