Friday, May 04, 2012

US Unemployment DOWN to 8.1%

BBC News: Reports that US Unemployment fell from 8.2% to 8.1%, also just 115,000 jobs were created in April in the US.

Lets Get Real:

The top line of unemployment dropping in normal political cycle would benefit the Oval, but as the article notes the chief reason for the drop is down to the fact that people just gave up looking for a job. The lacklustre job growth and the unemployment rate staying at over 8% could sink the re-election campaign of President Obama. The Romney Campaign is stressing that Obama is another Carter Mark 2, thus using the Reagan line of 1980, are you better off NOW than four years ago, this line attack is a good political move, the sluggish job growth does not have the feel of the Reagan and Clinton economic booms, but its early folks, lets see what the next couple of months bring to the process.

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