Tuesday, January 24, 2012

State of the Union and Class warfare

The New York Times: Reports that President Obama has invited Debbie Bosanek the secretary of Warren Buffet to the State of the Union Speech. Thus expect folks the usual class warfare argument, why should a Secretary pay more in tax than a billionaire. In a odd way this might help Newt Gingrich, as Romney will be defined as Mr1% after he released his tax returns, while the former Speaker paid 31% in taxes. This blog will watch the State of Union just to see if Obama can surprise, thus in many respects he will recall the Occupy them that the rich don’t pay their fare share, etc the usual left wing rubbish. That he as President is there to protect the Middle Class, that odd since he has placed more Americans on foot stamps that any other President. That is the disappointment with President Obama, one can guess what he is going to say before he speaks, this is why this blog tends to read transcripts of his speech’s and remarks, get over the boring waffle. Lets hope he keeps the Speech short, hot air is bad for the planet.

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