Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Gingrich’s Billionaire Friend and SC

The New York Times: Reports that a long time friend of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a gambling billionaire Sheldon Adelson has given five million to a Pro Gingrich Super Pac. Lets get straight to the point folks, the liberal NYT has thrown any negative stories it has on Mr Adelson in to the story, what Mr Adelson has done is legal after the US Supreme Court ruled that it was legal for individuals, Corporations or Unions to fund Super Pacs. Lets look at the political consequences for South Carolina, the article notes that the Super Pac has bought $3.4 million of advert space in SC. The targets of the ads will be Governor Romney, from reports it seems that the former Speaker holds Romney responsible for his loss of support in Iowa with his long arm Super Pac attacking the record of the former Speaker. Thus more of an even fight in SC, of course in way it works for Romney, this funding will keep Gingrich in the race, he will take votes away from Santorum, this a split Conservative vote and Romney WINS big in SC and thus the Republican nomination. At least when the General Election comes around it will be fair fight, Romney has millionaire supporters, thus the funds to take on POTUS.

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