Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Spain NEXT ? - Eurozone Crisis

Telegraph Live: Reports that 10 year Spanish Bonds have risen to 5.8%. Thus folks PIIGS are taking down the Euro, one by one, Italian bonds have reached 7%, the attempt to bailout Portugal, Ireland and Greece and build a firewall around Italy and Spain has failed. The G20 was a disaster, China is not going to bailout out the Euro when it has to serve a massive US debt of trillions, what if the US and the Euro go SOUTH, the debts alone could take China down, thus end result folks, the argument that Germany should allow the European Central Bank print money, this will send alarm bells in Germany, this was tipping point in the fall of the Weimar Germany and the raise of Hitler. Thus the Germans will have to be dragged screaming in to allowing such action, that might be the only ay to save the Euro and the EU, but more important the World economy.

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