Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dallas Proof ? - JFK Assassination

Daily Mail: Reports that modern technology has shown an image that purports to be of Lee Harvey Oswald at the Shooters spot at the time of the killing on 22/11/63. Folks having looked at the picture, its not something this blog would go to Court on, but then the assassination of JFK has very much overshadowed his entire Presidency. Lets be honest folks JFK is the most overrated President in US history, his greatness comes from one action, the secret deal he did with the USSR over Cuba, the Russians would take out their missiles and the US under the counter would take their missiles out of Turkey. Lets postulate that JFK sold out Turkey, and more damaging told the USSR that if they told the press about the deal it was off, this was more politics that anything. Then we come to two issues, Vietnam and Kennedy’s woman, it has been argued for years that Kennedy would not have gotten in to land war in Asia, that it was all the fault of LBJ. This blog does not buy that folks, Kennedy had to draw a line somewhere in the sand when it came to the USSR, the Kennedy Administration had allowed Berlin Wall to go up, it had not gotten rid of Castor, thus it could not afford to lose another Country to the Communist threat, thus South Vietnam. Lets recall it was JFK’s people around LBJ, the new President didn’t want Vietnam, but his tough policy was supported by all Kennedy’s people. The Attorney General Robert Kennedy didn’t resign over Vietnam. Thus the Vietnam War failures is a also a Kennedy failure. Then we come to Kennedy’s women, JFK's girlfriend was also the girlfriend of the Chief of the Chicago mob, the mob was under CIA contract trying to kill Casto, JFK could faced have a blackmail threat. Also as it has been alleged that JKF’s father bough off the mob to help in son in 1960. One can postulate that if Kennedy had lived the 2nd term would have seen scandal, Kennedy lived his life on the edge, but he was still a great President in his own way, just not in the same league as Reagan.

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