Sunday, September 04, 2011

German Politics and the Euro

BBC News: Reports that Chancellor Merkel of Germany has suffered election losses in her home state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the main issues for the German voter was the Euro and the Greek bailouts. The problem with European leaders is once they become part of the European Elite they forget one small thing, its called Democracy, why should the German voter bailout PIIGS, Greece has had its hand out twice, who is to say the rest wont have their begging bowl out, also Italy and Spain could be the next to fall, the European Central Bank cant bailout these two countries forever, even the President of the ECB has stated that heavy spending countries have to reform, the ECB cant be there all the time. There is a chance that the German Parliament could reject the bailouts, this would be good news for Germany and the EU, this would really force the Euro to change and for European Countries to cut their welfare spending.

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