Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bachmann for VP to Romney

BBC News: Reports that Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann has won the Iowa straw poll. This will make the left wing BBC & Guardian happy, but they allowing what they want to happen to what will happen, Congresswoman Bachmann will not be the Republican nominee for President, the Republican voters, even the tea party movement want a winner to unseat President Obama, thus the race will come down to Governors Romney and Perry, the Iowa poll was good news for Governor Perry, he was not even on the ballot and he gained 718 write in votes, this blog is still convinced so far that Governor Romney will be the nominee, would like Governor Perry to be the nominee but not sure that the Governor has not left to late to unseat Romney as the leading candidate. Thus if it is Romney the Governor will need to unite the Republican Party, thus having Congresswoman Bachmann as his VP, the darling of the tea party movement, very conservative, and the left wing media hate her, all ticks for the Republicans. Thus we just might be seeing the formation of a Romney/Bachmann ticket for 2012, read it here first folks.

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