Sunday, June 05, 2011

The Obama Strategy in 2012

The New York Times: Reports that due the dire economics in the US the Obama Chicago re-elect committee will run on not changing horses midstream. If this is not political spin then Obama is in real trouble, if that is the best his Chicago operation can come up with he needs new people. You cant go from positive in 2008 to life is crap but it will be crapper under a different guy. If unemployment is not well below 8.5% by mid 2012 then Obama should start to apply to become a law professor, because he is going to lose big time. What could really finish Obama in 2012 is if the economy turns around and those people that are unemployed return to actively seeking work, the rate of unemployment could go up to 10%. Also you have those on part time jobs or jobs that are well below their qualifications, that would put the unemployment rate at around 16%. Lets hope the horse arguments was spin for the Liberal New York Times, because if its true the game is over, and the Republicans will back in the Oval.

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