Sunday, June 05, 2011

A Good Man Goes To War - Doctor Who Review- Spoiler Alert

The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that in the overnight ratings the good Doctor had 5.5 million viewers and was the top BBC programme of the day. It should be noted that the figures should go up when you take in to account those that recorded the programme. As to A Good Man Goes To War, what a great mid season break episode, the Doctor went all Dirty Dozen, and even then he managed in way not to win, who would have thought that the baby was a double for the real baby, but of course you have to follow the Doctor in detail, at the start of the season the child was shown to be a Time Lady or is that Time Lord and had regenerated. Amy had the shock of her lives to find that River was her daughter, but since River is human Time Lady which Regeneration is River, are there 13 Rivers running around the place!! Rory the Roman will be wanting words with the Doctor, kissing River, are his intentions honourable!! Also you have both Amy and River in many ways in Love with the same man. If one is reading the clues then River will be the next companion of the Doctor, so does Amy never get her child back, does Doctor tell Amy and Rory that River is dead in their future!! Who is the eye patch lady, how come Captain Jack was not dragged back in to the War. Also when Amy asked the Doctor if he had children or ever had, he lied, he told Rose he was a parent, why did he lie, he never lied to Rose. So many questions, cant wait for second half of the season.

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