Sunday, June 05, 2011

Death Toll in Afghanistan

Thus folks with the latest death in Afghanistan the total of UK Armed Forces Personnel killed in theatre has reached 369. Of that total 325 have been killed in combat and 44 due to illness, accidents or other incidents. The UK timetable for the withdrawal of UK Armed Forces is 2014, how many good men and women will die for a War that can never been won, the UK has never had a good time in Afghanistan, the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan give refuge to the Afghan Taliban and Al Qaeda, they can wait us out and declare victory after we leave. The PRIZE is stable and secure Pakistan, but the Government of Pakistan is under threat form the Pakistan Taliban, they are using the death of OBL as their latest PR weapon against the Western supporting Government of Pakistan. If Pakistan falls and the terrorists gain control of the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan, this would make the last ten years in Afghanistan look like happy hour at your nearest pub. One wishes would could say one sees a happy and peaceful end in Afghanistan, but history is against that, just more sad deaths.

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