Thursday, June 02, 2011

Greece Default, When ?

Guardian: Reports that Moody’s the Credit Agency has downgraded the credit worthiness of Greece to almost nothing, and has stated that there is 50% that Greece will default. If Greece was a horse it would be glue time folks, lets get this straight Greece is a goner, it is bankrupt, its currency in may respects is being kept up by the EU/IMF, that’s the problem, the Euro is killing Greece, and the political elite don’t have the guts to admit they got it WRONG. The Tax payers of Germany are funding Greece, the Greeks have to get out of the Euro, default on their debts, take the real pain and start from scratch. Otherwise in medical terms Greece is HIV and its not being careful with its partners, its going to give HIV to everyone else, of course the end result of HIV is AIDS, and then death. If the EU does not want that fate, and wants to protect the Euro it has to cut Greece off from the money, let it fail. Otherwise the bailouts are just toilet paper, will less use for the taxpayer.

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