Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Obama a Monster over OBL DEATH = Labour Ken Livingston

Guardian: Reports the Labour Left winger, and Labour Candidate for Mayor of London Ken Livingston has called POTUS a monster for killing OBL and not his arrest. As predicted the left wing has come out to attack the manner of taking down OBL. The left wing would have had the Pakistan Police turn up on his doorstep with an arrest warrant and hope for the best, that is why the liberals and left wing did not have power in the 1980s, can you see them winning the Cold War. Thus this is a test for the new Labour Leader Ed Miliband, will he slap down the left wing Livingston, one can not see the old New Labour putting up with this kind of rubbish. Lets see what “ Red ” Ed Miliband does, or does the nickname fit the Labour Leader.

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