Friday, April 15, 2011

50% Disapproval for POTUS = Gallup and Rasmussen

The debt cutting speech didn’t go down well with the folks, the latest Gallup poll of Average voters has POTUS on a 50% Disapproval rating, while the Rasmussen Poll of likely voters has the same rating of 50% Disapproval. The Approval rating in Gallup is quite bad, in that poll President Obama has a 42% Approval rating, while in Rasmussen its better at 49%. The US voter is not thick, he or she knows that there have to be deep cuts in the welfare system of the US, you don’t drag yourself out of recession by putting up taxes, the idea that only the rich will pay is a left wing con job, the really wealth can find ways around the system or leave, thus it’s the Middle and Working Class that gets hit with the tax hikes. Thus if your in the Chicago office of the Obama re-elect you need someone close to POTUS who really knows him and can lead him to water, see the real world, even the great Ronald Reagan had to have Nancy Reagan to see the exit out of Iran Contra. The problem with the bubble of the Oval is that sometimes Presidents see what they want to see, does President Obama want to be another Jimmy Carter or Bush 41. To lose after a first term hurts folks, if your young like Obama and he does lose he could spend decades wondering what might have been if his ego had been kept in check or he had a close adviser who could show him the real world. This blog has been very critical of POTUS, bright people sometimes are their own worse enemies, lets see if President Obama can see beyond his own narrow liberal agenda, otherwise he might find in November of 2012 that he joins a very select club, one term Presidents.

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