Friday, April 29, 2011

49% Disapproval Rating for POTUS = Gallup

Gallup: Reports that President Obama has a 49% disapproval rating among average voters, while 42% approve of the job performance of President Obama. This Chicago Re-Elect Committee of President Obama have to start to move these ratings, the political wisdom is that Obama will win a second term, well its not the political wisdom of this blog, this blog still predicts that POTUS could lose by 48/49 States next year. The Washington Beltway still thinks that President Obama is Candidate Obama of 08, well folks that was yesterdays news, the Obama of 2012 will have a Foreign and Domestic record, and lets be honest here folks, the record is not that great, Afghanistan is a mess, lets see if NATO can rally get out by 2014, Iraq is quite on the whole, but when the final US troops leave at the end of this year, lets see if Iran moves in, the US voter wont be best pleased to see Iraq, a country that has cost the US blood and treasure handed over to Iran. Then we have the Arab Spring, if Gaddafi is still in charge in Libya the Obama White House will have a PR problem. Lets see how Syria works out. Then on the domestic front, ObamaCare is a political disaster for Obama, he is stuck with a policy that he will have to defend, also the US Courts at the end of the day could throw the Law out. Recently President Obama has stated that he wants to raise taxes on the rich as to cut the US deficit, lets see him run on that in 2012, voters are not fools, they know sooner or later that Democrats would want to start to tax the middle class, there are not enough rich people to pay for ObamaCare and cut the deficit folks. President Obama might need that billion dollar election war chest, it just might be a hard fight folks.

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