Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Liberal NYT turns on Obama

The New York Times: The liberal bastion is turning on President Obama, in a blistering Editorial the NYT states the following on Obama and Libya, “…throwing out so many conflicting messages….that they are blunting any potential pressure..…. and weakening American credibility. ……..public hand-wringing has made it even worse. ”. When the old liberal giant in the shape of the New York Times is coming out against the Oval its time for President Obama to look beyond his own ego. The NYT understands that a Democratic President Jimmy Carter was bought drown by the appereance of weakness over the Iran hostages crisis. As with President Obama, Carter faced a bad economy but its was the impotence of a Super Power when faced by a crisis in the Middle East that bought down the Carter Administration and the election of Ronald Reagan. The talk out of the White House is that President thinks he is an expert on Foreign Policy, that delusion normally takes place in the second term, Obama thinks that he understands Revolutions and he is an expert on the Middle East. The President was a Law Instructor folks not a Professor, last time this blog looked he didn’t do Foreign Policy while a community organizer, Obama is allowing his own arrogance to lead his Administration over a cliff. As this blog warned once you allow Gaddafi to settle things down the chance to get rid of this mad dog terrorists would be lost, he has now using airplanes, tanks, and from reports heavy artillery to wipe out the opposition in Zawiyah in Western Libya and might have pushed the rebels out of Ras Lanuf in the East ( reports wary on control of these towns ). The West in the shape of US and UK has shown NO backbone when dealing with Gaddafi and his killing of his own people. Lets be clear, and honest here folks, the US and UK could take out Gaddafi in a week or less, air power and special forces could cut the throat of the Gaddafi regime, its just needs for the word to be given, the lack of that order shows how unfit POTUS is to be Commandering in Chief of the US Armed Forces, as with the case with Coalition PM David Cameron, he has had strong rhetoric but could not be matched by real action, the UN is pointless. Thus the West has learnt nothing from Bosnia in the 1990s, how many good Libyans will die due to the arrogance of Obama and the inexperiecne of Cameron.

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