Sunday, December 05, 2010

Miliband for the CHOP?

Mail on Sunday: Reports that Labour MPs are feeling that Ed Miliband is a disaster as a Leader of the Opposition, there is talk that the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer Alan Johnson might take over as Acting Leader. Politics is a brutal business folks, your either have that X factor or your don’t, Ronald Reagan had it but Bush 41 was seen a political wimp, Reagan’s close ally Lady Thatcher had that IT factor is spades, while Sir John Major was seen as a grey bank manager, Tony Blair like Reagan and Thatcher had that something that connected him to the voters thus his three elections victories, Gordon Brown made you take PROZAC. Thus we come to Ed Miliband, a man made to be Student President, not Leader of the Opposition, while Alan Johnson has that common touch, he was ex postman, but he didn’t knife PM Brown in the back when he had the chance, what’s to say he will also fail with Ed Miliband.

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