Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thus Far Republicans PICK UP 63 - House

The New York Times Blog: Reports that the Republicans thus far have picked up 63 House Seats. This is a second chance for Republicans, they should not blow this chance, the voters want the House to block the vast Liberal Agenda of the Obama White House, thus the first Bill that the new House should pass is to repeal ObamaCare, make the Democrats in the Senate block this or if they are smart get POTUS to VETO the bill. In 2012 most of the US Senators up for re-election are from moderate to conservative states thus these politicians will have a choice, after seeing what happened to moderate and blue dog Democrats do they want to flush their political careers down the toilet, that is the stark choice these Senators face. Lets see if they have the BALLS to say No to POTUS.

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