Saturday, October 09, 2010

The Mid Term Elections 2010

RCP: Reports on its latest average of the polls for the generic vote for Congress, the average is Republicans 47.7% and the Democrats 41.9%, a Republican lead of 5.8%. Thus far the Obama counter offensive to the Republicans has been a disaster, the Oval has to decide does it really want to keep a Democratic Congress or in its heart of hearts does it want a Republican Congress that would allow President Obama to move to the centre. If POTUS really wants to keep Congress he has to be bold, really bold, he should state that he got ObamaCare wrong, and say that he will ask the Congress to repeal or reform health care reform. The left would go over a cliff but the Democrats could still keep Congress, also Obama should ask the Congress to keep the Bush 43 tax cuts for all tax payers, high and low,. In Presidential politics a President has to learn to say SORRY, it’s the hardest thing in Presidential vocabulary, even Reagan had to say sorry after Iran - Contra, the American voter are very understating of a President that makes a mistake and says sorry, but its very hard for the Oval, it needs good advisors or a political wired wife, Reagan had Nancy Reagan, who is the Nancy Reagan in the Obama Court.

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