Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Good Advice from PM Cameron - POTUS should READ

10 Downing Street: Read PM Cameron’s statement on the Strategic Defence and Security Review. In the speech there is a good piece of advice to President Obama when it comes to national security and the economy, PM Cameron stated the following, “ Our National Security depends on our economic strength and vice versa. ”. When looking at recent UK history the British Empire become to expensive after World War Two, thus if your broke your no longer a power, the American economy is going the way of the old British Empire, sooner or later there will be a new power to take over from the US, one can postulate it could be China, its has the money and the army, even if it cant control its satellite of North Korea. In less the US economy can be turned around the US will follow the examples of other great powers, its not the enemy that gets you but your own internal shortcomings, in this case Obama attempt to make the US like Western Europe, welfare dependent. The point of the US was it was never meant to be liked old Europe, that’s the part the American left never got, if they did they would have understood the US.

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