Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gallup Generic Poll - Mid Term Elections 2010

Gallup: Reports on its new Generic Ballot for the Mid Term Folks, in the likely voters with a low turnout the figures are as follows, Republicans 56% and Democrats 39%. I have feeling if you look at the RCP average of polls that has 6.8% lead for the Republicans and this poll that has 17% lead its matter of looking at the reality, the Democrats should be able to get their voters out, even the dead ones, sorry Chicago joke. The Republicans should benefit from the fear of unemployment and the sky high rates for health insurance since POTUS passed ObamaCare. The question is the turnout, it can be argued that following past trends the 40% to 50% mark can be expected, thus if the Republicans can get between 6.8% and the 17 % of Gallup they should be going for a healthy majority in the House and parity with the Democrats in the Senate, even the outside chance that they could take the Senate, but its still two weeks to go folks, lets see what Mid Terms produce for Congress.

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