Saturday, October 16, 2010

2010 Mid Term Elections - Generic Ballot Polls

RCP: Reports on its Average of the latest generic ballot polls for the 2010 Mid Term Election, its latest Average is the following, Republicans 48.1% and the Democrats 41.3, giving the Republicans a lead of 6.8%. The Democrats are throwing some real BS at the Republicans as the election gets close folks, you have Democrats in the California Governor race calling the Republican opponent a Whore, in other races Democrats are calling their opponent extreme candidates if they have the support of the tea party movement. The latest BS is that the Republicans are taking money from abroad, even calling it Watergate, just one minor problem, even the bloated liberal NYT calls this story rubbish. Thus it can be argued from the latest polls that the House will go Republican, on the Senate side it looks like the Democrats will keep control of the Senate but will be near parity with the Republicans. In essence the Obama Agenda will be dead on the Hill. Thus what will President Obama do, does he want to get re-elected in 2012, the noise from the Oval can give one the impression that Obama might run but with the knowledge that he will lose, that can only explain the fact that he has asked VP Biden to run with him again, if he really wanted a chance of winning he would ask Secretary Clinton to be his running mate. Thus what can we expect in the last two years of the Obama 1st term, well nothing really, the House will block any more spending by Obama, and the Senate will be frozen, in 2011 the Republicans and Democrats will start to get ready for the 2012 Presidential Race, thus the Campaign starts after the polls close in November, two years of Campaigning folks, what fun that will be, but that’s Democracy folks.

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