Friday, October 22, 2010

The Age of Austerity - Coalition ATTACKS Critics

BBC News: Reports that DPM Nick Clegg the leader of the Liberal Democrats has stated that critics of the Government spending cuts are not telling the truth as to whom gets hit harder. When you cut welfare you hit the poor, lets not hide the truth, when you cut child benefit for the rich, in the Government scale that is about forty four thousand, it does not have the same effect when you hit the poor, the rich cant have an extra holiday or a weekend break, the poor cant eat, there is a difference is effect and scale. But lets be very clear the Coalition Government under PM David Cameron is doing the right thing, cuts are always going to hurt, but lets be clear and honest, there are always going to be poor people, the idea that Government can change nature and history is very Star Trek but not the real world, under New Labour social mobility was worse than in the 1950s, you cant chance civic society, you can cushion the effects, but just cushion, yes poor people will hurt, no one wants that but we have to live in the real world, the UK is broke, BROKE, we can afford it, it can be argued that the UK should not give any money to poor countries, its better to spend on our own NHS, Education and those on welfare. These are cold days folks, Guardian types voted for Tony Blair and we got the Iraq War, thus their views don’t hold much water and they should not, we need to return to the mind frame of the era under Lady Thatcher, people should want to create wealth, make money, and thus create jobs, the State cant and does not create jobs, there is Society but that Society needs a healthy economy, Countries likes Wales and Scotland have to get off the handouts and develop a economic base based on business, not the mothers milk of the State, the money in the bank is gone folks, time to GROW UP.

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