Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Defending the CUTS - PM Cameron

Daily Mail: Reports that Coalition PM David Cameron has stated to his Cabinet that they should be defending the forthcoming cuts and placing pressure on Labour on what is Labour Policy and what they would cut. The left wing elite from the BBC, Guardian, Independent are taking the Labour line without really placing Labour in the dock, the economic mess is down to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, they spent like drunken sailors in the good times but didn’t keep anything under the bed when the economy went down the toilet. Thus the Coalition Government will have to take tough and unpopular decisions, the winter fuel payment might have to be for those only over 75 or in economic need at 65. The tax credits for families after the first child might have to be revoked. All Departments will take a hit with the exception of the NHS and International support to poor countries. Thus the Conservatives and the Lib Dems have to keep Labour on the back foot, if need be have a judicial investigation in to rendition that should keep Labour quite for a while, its harsh politics time folks, in other words the Coalition has to bury New Labour for a generation.

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