Wednesday, September 29, 2010

David Miliband on the WAY OUT!

BBC News: Reports on the signs that former Foreign Secretary and Labour Leadership Candidate David Miliband will not serve under his brother as Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer. One has to have a lot of sympathy for David Miliband, to be betrayed by your younger brother is worse that being stabbed in the back by a fellow Cabinet Colleague. Its to the credit of David Miliband that he has not flinched from his vote to approve the Iraq War, but David Miliband on the backbenches might be worse for Ed Miliband the new leader, in politics there is an ups and downs, if the Coalition is right with the cuts and can promise major tax cuts at the next election then Labour is dead in the water. Also should there be a major terrorist attack and the Coalition swings right on law and order the Labour Party is dead in the water. This is my prediction Ed Miliband will not be leading the Labour Party in the 2015 Election, it will be his brother.

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