Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Dark Prince ATTACKS Miliband and Balls

BBC News: Reports on critical comments by the Dark Prince himself, Lord Mandelson, the former Business Secretary is critical of Ed Miliband for his dishing for the 2010 manifesto that he wrote, that did not appeal to non Labour voters. In the case of Ed Balls he is accused of wanting to be Chancellor thus being critical of the Labour’s last Chancellor the Exchequer Alistair Darling. One has to wonder why the this attack now, it can be postulated that the old New Labour hands of Blair, Mandelson even Campbell do not want to see their New Labour thrown in to the bin by Ed Mililband. In reading the Alastair Campbell Diaries one can see that Gordon Brown was not fully New Labour, he wanted pre 1997 to have a tax band of 50% but was shot down by then Opposition Leader Tony Blair. Thus it can be argued that Ed Miliband in many respects in the natural heir to Brown, if he wins expect a role for Brown in a new Labour Opposition, not the case if David Miliband wins the election. In fact Ed Miliband has made it clear that Lord Mandelson is finished for a future role should he win, it can be argued that goes for Blair and Campbell.

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