Sunday, July 25, 2010

Yes NYT is RIGHT = North Korea!

The New York Times: Has a very tough Editorial on North Korea, the liberal NYT states the following, “ China,…..needs to ensure that the North’s bluster is only bluster. And it needs to tone down its own. ”. It seems that even the extreme liberal NYT has had enough of the tensions building of North Korea and the lack of leadership of China. Let us be clear North Korea will not use its nuclear deterrent on US Naval Ships in the region, the Obama Administration would have no choice but remove North Korea from the face of the earth, China could not prevent such a military action, this is the time for China to act as a grown up, if they want to be taken as a World Player they have to deal with their satellite, they have to cut off food and lights to North Korea and tell them to get back in to talks with the US. It only needs someone to make a misjudgement for a serious War to break out between the US and North Korea, then the US would have Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan ( the Tribal areas of Pakistan ) and North Korea, think how much that would add the US Debt. Thus the US has to be firm, but lets keep our eyes on getting talks back on between the US and North Korea.

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