Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Torture Allegations

The UK Prime Minister David Cameron has set up an investigation in to torture allegations against the UK Intelligence Services. In the Statement the PM stated the following, “ I believe we have the finest intelligence services in the world…..The intelligence services also keen publicly to establish their principles and integrity…..” The PM stated the following on the nature of the Independent Inquiry, “ It will look at whether Britain was implicated in the improper treatment of detainees held by other countries that may have occurred in the aftermath of 9/11. And if we were, what went wrong, and what do we need to do to learn the lessons…” The Inquiry would note the circumstances post 9/11 the PM stated the following, “... we should not be naïve or starry-eyed about the circumstances our security services were working under in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. There was a real danger that terrorist could get their hands on a dirty bomb, chemical and biological weapons – or even worse. Threat levels had been transformed. The urgency with which we needed to protect our citizens was pressing. But let me state clearly, we need to know the answers. If things went wrong, why? And what we must do to uphold the standards that people expect. ” The PM makes it clear that due to the nature of the investigation that most of it will be behind closed door, the PM stated the following, “ Let’s be frank, it is not possible to have a full public inquiry into something that is meant to be secret. So any intelligence material provided to the Inquiry panel will not be made public and nor will intelligence officers be asked to give evidence in public. ” There will be those that argue that this is a cover up, they want the 1970s US Congressional type open meetings, that was a disaster for the CIA, it took years to recover, some have argued that in never really recovered thus Iran - Contra. But when it comes to a ticking dirty bomb or other weapons of mass destruction the State has to take action that the left will always hate, but its by taking these dirty actions that people are allowed the freedoms to protest.

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