Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Israel and the US

BBC News: Reports on a meeting between President Obama and the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Well if Mr Netanyahu gets a picture and a press conference that will be a major step up from the last meeting between the two men, Israel has somewhat mellowed its stand over Gaza, while the US has been positive about such developments. The main topic from the Israeli side will be Iran, what is Obama going to do to prevent a nuclear armed Iran, on the US side they have two points, prevent Israel from attacking Iran and getting the Middle East Peace Process moving. It can be argued that the Middle East peace process will be around long after the Obama Administration is memory, the real problem is Iran, Israel can only give the Obama Administration so much time, sooner or later it will have to cut bait when it comes to President Obama and attack Iran. At the end of the day Obama likes the echo of his own voice, he wants to be loved by the left thus he will not take action, Israel should hit Iran just before the Mid Term Congressional Elections, make Obama take a stand, either support Israel or Iran. Of course if the Republicans win Congress then the Israeli lobby has a VETO over Obama when it comes to Israel.

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