Wednesday, June 09, 2010

UK Cuts and the Real World

Telegraph: Reports that the planned Coalition Government cuts will not do the trick to cut the Government debt, the UK will still have to fork out 70 Billion alone on interest payments. In in other words folks, the real action that would have to be taken by the UK Government would be to slash the budget of the NHS in a deep manner, throw people off welfare or force them to take horrible jobs, also limit the role of Government, in other words make President Hoover smile. The problem is folks how much pain will the UK voter take, all the Parties in the UK General Election hid from the voter the real truth of the pain to come, but if planned cuts are not enough, then who is going to tell the voter that extreme pain is needed for their future and future generations. Lets hope the Coalition has got it sums right otherwise we are heading in to a major recession and they will be out on their ear in 2015.

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