Wednesday, June 09, 2010

New UN Sanctions on Iran

The New York Times: Reports on new UN sanctions on Iran. The Liberal NYT cant help itself when it comes to Iran, in the very same article the extreme liberal NYT states the following, " Indeed, studies by the United States government have questioned the efficacy of sanctions, especially given Iran’s weight as an oil exporter. ". In other words the sanctions are pointless, the extreme bloated NYT in its hearts of hearts agrees with the disgraced White House reporter Helen Thomas, in the eyes of the NYT Iran can be equated with Israel, they cant see the difference, they would rather that Israel gave up its nuclear defence or that Iran be allowed to get the bomb. These sanctions will not hurt as noted by most reports on the subject, as they do not bring the economy of Iran down or prevent the cars of Iran running, thus the issue is what will the Obama White House do about Iran, this game is getting on for being very tedious. A result will have to happen or Israel will give Obama a result that could lead to a war in the Middle East.

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