Sunday, April 04, 2010

New Media, Old Press and Obama

The Daily Best: Reports on how the Obama Administration is using the new media to go around the Washington D.C press, the article states the following on this development, " poised to supplant the often-skeptical journalistic stylings of CBS, CNN, and The New York Times? ". I am sorry but I laughed when I read that passage, the elite media and lets be honest here has its head up the backside of the Democrats, they had gone missing in action in the Edwards case, a man that could have been Vice - President , or Attorney General was given great press PR by the elite media, the elite media still thinks Obama walks on water, after health care reform was passed it was seen that Obama had turned the boat about for the Democrats, slight problem the public didn't buy the message. The only media outlet to take on the Obama White House has been Fox News, it has been fair and balanced, it makes the extreme liberal NYT look like a White House outlet. The old media of press and TV had a chance to hold Obama to account and they flunked that test, that is why they are losing readers and views on TV. Thank God for new media, bloggers will not fall for the spin of the Obama White House, at the good ones do give context, and that lot more that the we get these day from the Main Stream Media.

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