Sunday, April 04, 2010

Dr Who and Glorious 39 Review

The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that Dr Who was the most watched TV show on Saturday, with a overnight viewing figures of 7.7 Million views. The overnights figures tend to be lower that the overall figures, that comes out in a few weeks. Right folks, what can this blogger say, it was perfect, Matt Smith and Karen Gillan brings back the feel of the Doctor and Rose. Matt Smith was fantastic, he was funny, dramatic, a Time Lord on occasions, also the darkness of the late Doctors. It helps that Mr Smith comes across in interviews as very much the Doctor, minus the Tardis, even if he does carry the sonic screwdriver around with him in airports!! NOT A GOOD IDEA THESE DAYS. Ms Gillan is sexy, funny, and can act, she is very much a match for Matt Smith. I will bet she will get an offer for a cover of FHM before the year is out, or Labour will win the next elections with a good majority. The next 12 weeks are in the safe hands of Mr Smith and Ms Gillan.

Right back to the World War Tow folks, a film by Stephen Poliakoff. The films looks at the policy of Appeasement as followed by Neville Chamberlain. The film does not look at the politics of Downing Street or the House of Commons, well not in a direct way, it is more about how the Establishment of the UK was ready to bow to the pressure of Nazi Germany. How those that opposed the Appeasement policy of Chamberlain become more of an enemy to the Establishment than Hitler. Of course the leader of this group that opposed this policy was Winston Churchill, the film looks at the tensions in a Establishment family and how this might have lead to murder and attempted murder by the Establishment. This blogger has not seen any proof that the Establishment did try to kill the opposition but to make their life's not that comfortable is a fair comment. As the film, is drama thriller it takes it can be argued a logical next step should rogue elements within MI5 have thought it was good idea to remove the opposition. It is very intense dramatic thriller, Bill Nighy is excellent, the perfect father who throws his beloved daughter to the wolves because its in the interest of the country, Romola Garai is great at showing the breakdown of family links, the fear that she can not trust any one, a great actress that Hollywood will be calling upon in the future, also she looks stunning in 1930s clothes, that red dress is perfect. Its nice to see Julie Christie back on the big screen, also the part is more dark, my one critic is that she is not given more to do within the film. Right then we have the one and only David Tennant, he is only on screen for about 10 minutes but he owns that screen when it is on, when he is not there you miss him, that is why to some he will always be the Doctor, this blog states and will send in the Daleks if opposed, Mr Tennant is one of the best actors the UK has ever produced, that is why it was so sad to see him leave Dr Who, but then you get to see him do other things, Hamlet, Eddington and Einstein, now this small part in Glorious 39. A fine film that should be seen by great amount of people.

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