Sunday, February 21, 2010

Reconciliation Process - Health Care Reform

Politico: Reports that President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid are going to go the reconciliation process for health care reform after the TV stunt of the meeting between Democrats and Republicans at the White House. Have to admit Obama, Pelosi and Reid do recall the British Generals of World War One, who sent their men over the trenches in to a hail of bullets while they had a safe place behind the lines. If House and Senate members support the reconciliation process they will lose their Seats in the Mid Term Elections. This is why Obama, Pelosi and Reid are safe, Obama does not have to run again in till 2012, Pelosi is from a safe liberal district and Reid will lose his re-election bid, one can postulate that Reid will get a cushy job from Obama. Thus blue dog Democrats in the House and moderate Democrats in the Senate are you going to be cannon fodder for your liberal leadership. This is the time to think about your future or lack of one in the political field.

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