Sunday, February 21, 2010

45% - Obama's Approval Rating

Rasmussen Reports: Reports on its latest daily tracking poll on President Obama, the poll of likely voters finds 45% approve of Obama's job performance, while 54% disapprove. The Obama White House forgot one thing, the American voter will support change as long as they have a job, the Obama White House allowed itself to be ruled by the liberal leadership on the Hill. It has been reported that President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid will use the nuclear option of 51 votes in the Senate to get health care through, if the Democratic Party is that foolish it will lose the House and the Senate in 2010 and Obama will find that after 2012 that he is warm up act for Jimmy Carter. On the 25 February there is a meet at Blair House between the Democrats, Republicans and the President, its a TV stunt, as stated above the White House and the Hill have agreed on a plan already, the arrogance of Obama and the rest of the leadership is beyond measure, the question is will blue dog Democrats and the Senate go along with this measure, lets see if the Democrats in the House and Senate have the guts to say NO to Obama,Pelosi and Reid.

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