Thursday, February 25, 2010

Plan H - Health Care Reform

WSJ: Reports that the Obama White House has created a smaller version of health care reform, that would cover less of the population should the major health care reform bill fail on the Hill. This is Plan H if the Oval cant get the votes today from Democrats to pass health care reform, the meet between Democrats and Republicans is a TV stunt, Obama is good on the TV, but when he comes to selling health care reform he acts like a second hand car salesman who is trying to hard, the plan is opposed by a majority of Americans, the Oval should be stressing jobs not health care reform, the blue dog democrats in the House face political suicide if they vote for the major over hall as wanted by the liberal leadership in the House and the Senate, thus this is Obama's final chance to sell his agenda. If that fails Obama should go for a small scale version, this small scale version should include the following, 1, If you have a pre existing condition you can not be barred cover, 2, if you are ill and the costs go up you cant be thrown off your cover, 3, the Doctor should decide what needs to be checked not Washington D.C. 4, no illegals to get cover with the exception of children up to 18, 5, protection for Doctors against phony law suits, 6, Americans should be allowed to buy their cover in any part of the USA, 7, Abortion should be paid for by the Government or a major part of the cost, 8, if your gay your partner should have the same rights as if married, 9, states should be allowed to import drugs from abroad, 10, a joint commission to review and have the power to reform the system.

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