Thursday, February 25, 2010

End Run - Health Care Reform

Politico: Reports that after the TV stunt of today the Democrats are going to use the 51 rule in the Senate to get Health Care Reform passed. The meeting is still going on and the Democrats have confirmed that they are going to do an end run around the political system, the Democrats are tone deaf when it comes to politics, the Mass vote was a rejection of their ideas and they still don't get that fact, its the arrogance of power, well see shall see how Obama feels when he loses the House and even the Senate, and he faces the prospect of losing big in 2012. President Obama might find that a one term bad President is nothing to look forward too, Jimmy Carter does not play well with others, thus Obama might find that he is alone in the political wilderness after 2012. That would be ironic but fun, that is why Democracy is fun folks.

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