Monday, January 11, 2010

Rahm Emanuel on the WAY OUT?

Politico: Reports on the speculation that the White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel could be on the way out. As a political operator Mr Emanuel is the best, he helped the Democrats retake the House from the Republicans, but as a Chief Staff is is lousy, think of Obama's poll ratings, they have gone south in a major way, the RCP average of Polls has Obama on 48.8% approval and 45.8 disapproval, the job of a Chief of Staff is to tell the President NO sometimes, its not to follow your own Agenda, the problem is that Mr Emanuel is a political animal in his own right, this has not be common to most Chief of Staffs of late, the last was Dick Cheney, what happened to him, yes Vice - President of the United States. A good Chief of Staff has to be ruthless but also has to have the ability to tell the POTUS that he is out of his mind, look at the effect of health care on the Obama ratings. If the Democrats lose the House in 2010 and the Republicans pick a few Senate Seats the Obama Agenda is dead on the Hill, no second chances. Thus it can be postulated that POTUS will show Emanuel the door should he lose the Hill. This my prediction that Mr Emanuel will be in the cold in the New Year of 2011.

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