Sunday, January 24, 2010

Health Care Reform NOT DEAD IN THE WATER!

Politico: Reports that the Democratic Leadership in Congress, Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi are planning an end run around the Mass vote, they plan to get the House to pass the Senate version of health care reform with no changes and then make changes by just getting 51 votes in the Senate. I really want the Democrats to do this, if they don't listen to the election of Senator Scott Brown in Mass of all places then they are tone def, if Reid and Pelosi push this through they will lose the House and Senate, and they will make sure that President Obama does not get re-elected in 2012. Lets be honest Reid is finished anyway, his polls are in the toilet in his state of Nevada, and Pelosi is safe in her very liberal district, its the rest of the Democrats that will take a dive to political oblivion, they will see the end of their political hopes. This is the time for moderate and blue dog Democrats to bolt, tell Reid and Pelosi to fall of the nearest cliff. Please Democrats do this, hand the House, Senate and White House back to the Republicans.

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