Sunday, January 24, 2010

Gallup Poll - Obama at 47%

Gallup: Reports on its latest daily tracking poll for President Obama, not good news for the White house, the President approval and disapproval are tied at 47%. Thus after the Mass vote and the election of Senator Brown, the attack on the banks and the idea that health care reform was dead the Obama ratings are still down, it might get worse folks, the Democratic Leadership on the Hill wants to push through health care reform by using Parliamentary tricks, thus Obama who might want to go on to other issues will be stuck with an Act that could cost him the House and Senate and could be fatal to his re-election bid in 2012. This is time for leadership from POTUS, he has to send a message to the Democratic leaders to back off, give him time to stress jobs, jobs and jobs. The Obama White House does not need to defend an Act it does not want now for the next nine months. The Republicans will have a simple message, repeal Obama's health care reform, and they will retake the Hill.

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