Sunday, November 08, 2009

Health Reform in the USA

The New York Times: Reports on the success of the Liberal Leadership in the House of Representatives of passing their health care reform bill, this was done with getting agreement from Conservative Democrats when it comes to abortion, the NYT writes the following, " major concessions from Democratic leaders to opponents of abortion.........only foreshadows the lawmakers try to meld the Senate and House bills..." As noted on Fox News the majority rule in the House, but it is interesting how narrow the win was for the Democrats in the House, the Senate will be a lot harder for the Democrats to use their strong arm tactics against Senators from Conservative States. As stated this blog has opposed the health care reform bill for the reasons stated many times, but my today main problem with this House Bill is that the Liberal Leadership of the House appeased Conservatives when it comes to abortion, the Democrats should recall that without the female vote they don't win, thus the House rush to pass this bill they have sold out women. Its simple the Government should pay for abortions or a major share of the cost, why are women being pushed off a cliff by the Democratic leadership. Thus for this reason as the other mentioned, the cost, the ration of health, this Bill should die in the Senate. Folks contact your Senator, tell them to oppose the Obama Health Care Bill.

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