Sunday, November 08, 2009

Deaths in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports on the deaths of two British soldiers over the weekend, the last death was today on Remembrance Sunday, the soldiers were from the " 2nd Battalion, The Rifles and the 4th Battalion, The Rifles " Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 232 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total, 232 have died in combat operations, while 31 have been lost due to illness, accidents or other incidents. As of the 8/11/09 the UK has lost eight soldiers, and its only the start of the month. The UK Army cant take this level of attrition, also one should recall those that have been injured in combat, there comes a time when we have to look in the mirror and ask three questions, Is the UK right to still be in Afghanistan ? Can the UK win Afghanistan ? Do we need to increase our troop presence ?

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